The Physical Rain in the Kibera Slum does not Outdo the Spiritual REIGN of Jesus
Update 4-15-2018: I introduced the book “DID JESUS CORRECT MOSES ?” and we look forward to this study to edify the brethren. We also thank God for the Bibles and solar light.
Update 4-22-2018: We had had here weak internet as it’s raining with a lot of flooding but I’m sure all of us are OK. Yesterday’s fellowship was good but some didn’t make it because it continuers rain all night long and some walkways are impassable. l thank God for the church brethren, children and adults who love God with all their heart, mind, soul & strength. The topic of the preaching this Sunday was the “Gift of the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:8-10 Acts. 2:17-19 John. 15:5 Galatians 5:22-23 5:14).
Update 4-23-2018: Amen brethren! Today the love of Jesus penetrated the wards of the Kenyatta Hospital. I thank God for the opportunity to serve there. May God bless those who support us to make this happen. To Jesus be all the glory. -Brother Joseph Otieno
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