Brother Enos Leads the Kibera Slum Children in Worshipping Jesus
Praise Jesus the Lord for a blessed, rainy, Sunday morning and a beautiful sunny afternoon. All glory to Jesus. Kibera slum is peaceful and all brethren are well. Our fellowship is so healthy only by the Grace of God. Sunday fellowship service was so blessed from children to adults and many attended. Brother Enos taught the children and brother Caleb taught the adults. The topic was “faith in action”. I summarized by preaching to the fellowship, it was so powerful. Verses used were Hebrew 11, Matthews 17:20, 1st John 5:4-5 and John 6:35. “Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that, Jesus is the Son of God’? We took time with God praying for our ministry with WFF/ GMFC and all our supporters. We prayed for all the blessings coming our way and we thank God for our brethren at Living Faith Christian Fellowship who have laboured so hard for us. God bless them and thank you brother Mark Bullen. God bless you all. Thank you brother Jimmy Miller our mission leader, may God bless you and your wife brother. All the glory to Jesus for your hard work. Thank you. Amen. -Brother Joseph Otieno
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