The Love of the Brethren Shines in the Kibera Slum
Praise Lord brethren,a great day again for us in the Kibera Slum. God is good and we love what He’s doing in our life, glory to Jesus. I thank all of our supporters and all who are praying for us, may God bless you in Jesus name. Great Lord’s day this Sunday as we had a blessed fellowship full of God’s love. Service was good from kids to adults. The children’s topic was on the birth of Moses and adult’s teaching was in the book of Matthew 6:33. This Sunday fellowship was full of prayer to our mission and missionaries. We prayed for GMFC / WFF and all our partners. We thank you dear brethren for the support you are giving us. God bless the GMFC ministry and all those who support it. We ask that if you are not partnered with us already, you pray to sponsor a child, a widow or donate one time below. Thank you so much. Amen. Brother Joseph Otieno
On the right you will see the beneficiaries from monthly and one-time donors. One of our sponsored widows and orphans she’s raising up. Glory to GOD!
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