Training up the Next Generation of Godly Warriors

To Jesus be all Glory. I thank our Lord for the brethren He’s connected me with. We’re so together for Christ and marching forward. Sunday fellowship was so powerful from kids to adults. Yesterday, we divided our youth from smaller children and we’re going to start teaching them separately for His glory and to teach more deeply the youth (teens). First service was children fellowship led by brother Enos. His teaching was in the book of (1st Samuel 16), David becomes King. Adults Fellowship was so powerful too. I taught them about “Paying the cost” (Jonah 1:1-3, Luke 14: 26:33 & Philippians 3:7-8). We thank God for the day and we prayed for our mission and partners. May God bless all for supporting us as we serve the orphans, widows and the needy. We thank God for the prayers from our overseas brethren. Kibera slum is so blessed and our Siaya brethren also. All Glory to Jesus, thank you brethren God bless. Amen. -Brother Joseph (WFF/GMFC Overseer)
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