Collage brother John Omondi house burns down Kibera Slum

A Call for Help After a Fire in the Kibera Slum

UPDATE  2.3.2019 KIBERA SLUM FELLOWSHIP: This morning was so sad for us as one of our elders, brother John Omondi, lost every single one of his belongings with the exception of the clothes on he and his family’s backs. There was a strange Fire in the Kibera slum that started in his house, yet nobody was in the house, thank God not even the children. We thanked God there are no casualties. Brother John Omondi is a God fearing man and he’s been so close to me since the start of Working Faith Fellowship in Kibera. John Omondi is a self-employed husband blessed with a wife and five children. He makes a meager income and provides the basics for his family. I have to console and pray to him as what he has worked for, for many years, just went up in flames within thirty minutes. He’ll take refuge in my house for the time being with his wife and children until we can get him back on his feet again. Please brethren, pray for him and help if you can. Thanks so much and to God be all the glory. We came into this world with nothing and one day, we shall go Home with nothing. God bless you brethren. – Bro Joseph Otieno (GMFC/WFF Kibera Slum Overseer)

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