digging a well and building widows homes in kenya banner

A Water Well Dug & Widows Homes Built in Kenya

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Jan 23, 2021

Hello dear brethren. After we received the generous donation for the digging of a much needed water well, we immediately hired the diggers and they have started.

Jan 28, 2021

We are at 45′ depth and no water yet. The digging continues. I have also arraigned for the 2 widow’s homes to be built immediately.

Feb 5, 2021

Glory to Jesus, we’ve now reached water and now almost finishing the job. We thank you so much and we give God all the glory because of you and a few over there that also help us serve the Lord. It’s a blessing beyond measure, a once in a lifetime blessing for these widows as they’re in their new homes, glory to God . On behalf of Working Faith Fellowship Kibera and Siaya, Kenya, we say thank you so much. God bless you and the few partners we have. I’m on my way back home to Kibera. The thank you notes are below from the 2 widows:

Thank you so much..WFF for a new home. God bless you 🙏

-Pamela Adoyo

Thank you so much, I’m blessed with a home, God bless you 🙏

-Mary Atieno
Please Help the Precious Widows in Need
Donate to the Siaya Kenya Mission Field
Donate to the Kibera Slum & Siaya Kenya

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