Category: Kibera Slum (Nairobi) Kenya
17,400 Gospel Tracts Arrive in Kenya and More on the Way
AUGUST 26TH, 2018 UPDATE: 17,400 forty-eight page gospel tracts have been distributed to our 3 Kenyan mission fields (Kibera, Moi’s Bridge & Moyale) in English and Swahili. An additional 7,500 are on the way in Luo & Borana languages, Praise Jesus! This is our 2nd shipment in the last 12 months and we areRead More
The Blessings Reach the Brethren in Their Time of Need
UPDATE 8-12-2018: Praise Jesus brethren, the blessings and unbelievable generosity of the precious brethren had many tongues tied this fellowship! What a big help we’re doing in Kibera, even the government can’t do it. We passed out the financial blessings that were sent to us to ease the burden of the many brethrenRead More
The Joy of Jesus Shines in the Brethren of the Kibera Slum Even After Thousands of Homes Demolished
Praise Jesus brethren , I thank God for a good Sunday. The fellowship was good and full of Joy as all the brethren were happy and so thankful for the blessings coming to Kibera. Thanks to the supporters of GMFC / WFF and all our partners (Living Faith, brother Mark,Read More
The Kibera Slum Fellowship Praises Jesus for the Love from the Brethren
We are so very happy to announce we hit our goal to help the 4 families (2 widows, 1 single mother and 1 elder with a wife and 6 children). The love shown by a few faithful brethren will surely be rewarded in Heaven. Below is the weekly update fromRead More
Brethren’s Homes Crushed in the Kibera Slum
URGENT UPDATE 7-25-2018: Our indigenous mission leader in the Kibera Slum, brother Joseph Otieno, brings us this update: Thanks so much for all the prayers brethren. The destruction of thousand of homes is now over. Many thousands are affected and no space in Kibera to resettle people and they can’tRead More
Testimony and Edification in the Kibera Slum
A very good Sunday morning fellowship in the Kibera Slum at Working Faith fellowship. Although Nairobi is cold & some of us are sick, our faith is so big & our God is able to heal us. Glory to Jesus! Topic today was in book Luke 10:30 Commit the wayRead More
“Dwelling in the House of The Lord” – Kibera Slum Fellowship Update
Good Sunday morning in Nairobi Kibera slum. We started fellowship at 9:00am East Africa time. First service for kids was an enjoyable study with quiz cards, singing for Jesus and teaching on true Christian love from brother Peter. Adult fellowship was so awesome too. Teaching in the book of Psalms 84Read More
His Light Shines in the Darkness of the Kibera Slum in Kenya
Thank God for a wonderful day we had yesterday, glory to Jesus brethren. It was very cold in Nairobi but our souls are so active in Jesus name. Fellowship was good and we thank God for the blessings in the Kibera slum and all our mission partners. Preaching was fromRead More
The “Bereans” of the Kibera Slum
Praise Jesus brethren, it’s so wonderful as God’s glory is in the Kibera slum. We’re so blessed and children are very happy being fed by the Word and also human needs too. We’re so thankful to our supporters and all glory to Jesus Christ. Sunday service was good. Very coldRead More
Making Disciples in the Kibera Slum- Nairobi Kenya
Praise the Lord We had a good Sunday meeting. It was full of Jesus and a great blessing to the church, from children to adults. Brother Jackson taught the little children with picture charts of biblical characters as they learned about those who walked with God. I then spoke theRead More