Millions Will Perish of Coronavirus in Africa if we Don’t Help
Words cannot describe the devastation a worldwide shutdown has had in the 3rd world where people eat with daily wages of $1, $2 or $3 dollars per day… This money for the basic necessities has been taken away due to the virus hysteria…. Bro Jospeh updates from the Kibera Slum:
Here in Kibera the brethren are so good and we thank God for donations as our brethren here can smile. All our church brethren are staying at home as Nairobi is locked down on every side. No moving out of Nairobi, no social gathering but we thank God Kibera brethren are protected. It’s a month now since stay at home started and people are waiting for government relief but they’ve done nothing.
Bro Joseph Otieno (Overseer)
On the other hand we need so much help, for example, last week ordinary people started donating to the poor but it was not properly arranged to reach people (we see this all the time with government and supposed “non-profits”). Two people recently died scrambling to pick only one packet of corn flour and many are still nursing their wounds from the mob rush as people are starving. Churches are closed, hotels and bars are allowed to do take away sales. We are witnessing Jesus with open air services calling people home with the verses of the Bible. Thanks dear brethren who have and continue to donate to these precious souls.
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