17,400 Gospel Tracts Arrive in Kenya and More on the Way
AUGUST 26TH, 2018 UPDATE: 17,400 forty-eight page gospel tracts have been distributed to our 3 Kenyan mission fields (Kibera, Moi’s Bridge & Moyale) in English and Swahili. An additional 7,500 are on the way in Luo & Borana languages, Praise Jesus! This is our 2nd shipment in the last 12 months and we are so very thankful for the saints who make this possible.
Sunday was an excellent fellowship blessed with good news of blessings flowing towards Kibera slum. We’re so thankful to our supporters and we prayed for all the donors of Gmfc, may God bless them. Service was well attended and the teaching was from the book of Proverbs 18:10 and Psalms 46:1-2. Sunday school fellowship was good as brother Peter taught children about living Holy for Jesus. Our study of the book “Did Jesus correct Moses ? continued and was so great. We’re in chapter nine; “Resist not evil”. We finished with prayer to all WFF brethren and friends. Glory to Jesus Hallelujah. Amen. – Brother Joseph Otieno
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