Kibera Slum Mission Update 9-2-2018

The Kibera Slum Brethren are Filled with the JOY of JESUS

Nairobi has been cold for 3 days now. No sun to be seen but I thank God it’s been a blessing to have a good, Holy Spirit filled Lord’s Day fellowship. First service for children and 2nd for adults. I thank God for brother Peter who has helped us so much in children fellowship. Please pray for him. Peter taught the children and sung together with them. Adults service message was in the book of 2 Kings 4:1 “The Creditor and the Widow”. After church service, all of the brethren took the fellowship to one of our sisters house. We fellowshipped there together and witnessed to the neighbors, 48 page gospel tracts were handed out. We acknowledged our supporters and sponsors for the great work and support they have given to us. God bless GMFC / WFF and our brethren in faith. We also said a special prayer for Living Faith Christian Fellowship from the USA as they labour for us in sewing the ladies clothes and head covering. We are so blessed to receive these soon. Our hearts are full of joy for these gifts from above. We are all working together (Eph 4:16) for the glory of God. Amen & all glory to Jesus.
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