lorine funeral kibera slum AfriPads Kenya

A Dear Young Sister Laid to Rest and Needs Fulfilled

Praise Jesus dear brethren, thanks for prayers and support, the Kibera fellowship was so blessed as we prayed for each other in this time of temporary loss. It’s so sad to us, as a fellowship when we received bad news of the death of one of our younger girls whom we’ve been praying for and fellowshipping with as family for some years. She has been suffering from an illness we don’t understand well and she was an orphan. Her parents died long time ago. She had been staying with her mother’s sister, a dear sister in our fellowship named Eunice who is a widow and obedient to the Lord. Burial took place at her grandfather’s home on 16/11/2020 and I included a few videos below.

The send off was such a blessing as many people attended and we thank God for your support. Burial was so nice and we preached the true Gospel and raised high the name above all names, Jesus Christ. May God bless you, GMFC and the few saints who are our prayer partners and supporters. There are so many needy here but we are helping many and praying to help and reach more not only with physical necessities but more important with the Good News of repentance and salvation. Also below are a few videos of the dozens of AFRIpads we passed out last week also which blessed the women and school children greatly. A big burden out of their minds as these will last one year. Thank you, thank you. Amen

-Bro Joseph Otieno (Kibera/Siaya Kenya Overseer)
Donate to the Kibera Slum & Siaya Kenya

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