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A Water Well, Filters & Taking Care of “The Least of These” in Siaya Kenya

Praise Lord, I’m back in Kibera Slum Nairobi today. Kibera is so peaceful and brethren are doing good, glory to Jesus. I thank God for safe Trip to Siaya (Western) Kenya and on behalf of the entire Siaya widows and brethren, we appreciate all the WFF/GMFC team and donors. God bless you. My mission to Siaya widows fellowship was so blessed and Godly. We fellowship and prayed together. Many of them are old with so many painful complications but we provide them with the necessities of life so they are no longer forgotten. I taught on “Walking with God ” Verses from Micah 6:8, Colossian 1:10-11  & 1 John 2:6 (True believers must walk like Jesus). We’re praying for them daily as though they’re alive in Christ, their bodies are so painful because of much garden work their entire life to survive. Widows are treated as outcasts in Kenya. An incredible blessing is the government is actually digging a shallow water well for the village. A rarity to get government help and we praise Jesus for it. We will use the blessed Sawyer water filters and they will have clean water. Thank you Jesus for the faithful donors from GMFC / WFF. We pray to reach more and the need is so great. – Bro Joseph Otieno
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