Category: Siaya Mission Field

Widow New Dresses Siaya Kenya Sega Kibera Collage

A One of a Kind Blessing in Siaya Kenya From 10,000 Miles Away

[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”-pgQsvOKIuI” player=”cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=3″] Hello brethren, I am back in Nairobi, glory to Jesus. It was a relatively safe Godly journey in the presence of God with lovely fellowship with brethren from far county Moi’s Bridge. God bless them, I was blessed to be with them as were the SiayaRead More

GMFC - WFF Kibera Slum Fellowship

The Humble Saints of the Kibera Slum

UPDATE SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2018 (KIBERA SLUM & SIAYA KENYA) Praise Jesus brethren. Sunday was so blessed and the Kibera fellowship was full of the Holy Spirit. We’ve seen the presence of Lord in Kibera fellowship. I thank God because of the brethren He gave me to shepherd. They are so humbleRead More

siaya update poverty poor world vision compassion international food 2018

Fellowship, Worship & Lifting up Jesus in the Open-Air in Siaya Kenya

Amen brethren and big glory to the Lord Jesus. I’m back in the Kibera Slum and I thank God brethren for working prayer and what our dear supporters are doing as we minister together even though we are thousands of mile away. God bless you. I traveled to Siaya VillageRead More

water filter well widow thanks siaya sega kenya world vision compassion international donate children sponsorship sponsor

A Water Well, Filters & Taking Care of “The Least of These” in Siaya Kenya

Praise Lord, I’m back in Kibera Slum Nairobi today. Kibera is so peaceful and brethren are doing good, glory to Jesus. I thank God for safe Trip to Siaya (Western) Kenya and on behalf of the entire Siaya widows and brethren, we appreciate all the WFF/GMFC team and donors. GodRead More

The Widows and Others in Impoverished Siaya Kenya Experience the Love of Jesus

Glory to Jesus brother, I thank God for a blessed journey to Siaya , I’m back in Kibera. In spite of heavy rain in the village, we managed our fellowship, glory to Jesus. Fellowship was good brother, many widows are inquiring to join us. It’s the first true project inRead More

wff gmfc siaya sega kenya christians sponsorship widow children

The Widows of Western Kenya Experience True Working Faith

As people in America and the rest of the developed world “worry” about what food from all the choices they have in their fridge or simply choosing what restaurant to go to, the rest of the world starves and lives in great poverty as 30,000 people (21,000 children under 5)Read More

WFF GMFC Update Kenya Christian Child Widow Sponsorship 3

Tribes (Luo) Hear & Experience the Gospel in Siaya Kenya

Brother Joseph updates us below: Praise Jesus brethren, I’m well back in Kibera from my journey to Siaya (Western) Kenya to visit our mission field. I thank God for safe journey, all are well. Much greetings and prayers to you from Siaya, glory to Jesus. It was a good journey travellingRead More

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