Blessed are the Poor in the Kibera Slum
UPDATE 11-18-2018 KIBERA SLUM: “A good God given Sunday as we saw the presence of His Kingdom here in Kibera. The message of the day was “Those who know their God”. Small kids were taught with words & pictures by brother Enos. I taught the older youth and we have a visitor from Siaya, our other mission field hundreds kilometers to the west in Kenya. The children’s message was on “David and Goliath” and the adults message was on “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego” (Daniel 3). All teachings were very powerful. It’s so fulfilling teaching in the slum as many of the children here are basically street begging children with bad behavior, but, those in our fellowship we have put them in order. We are praying to disciple others to start more fellowships to reach more precious souls. I thank all our supporters and partners of GMFC/WFF for their financial and spiritual help. With the godly generosity (obedience) of a few blessed brethren in far away lands, our children are schooled, taught about Jesus and fed. Widows are being helped and much, much more. May God bless you & to Jesus be the glory. Amen.” -Brother Joseph Otieno (Kenya Overseer)
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