Forgotten No More in the Kibera Slum & Siaya (Western) Kenya
A look into the chat’s we have on a daily basis with our indigenous missionaries of Kibera Slum & Siaya (Western) Kenya We are also supporting youth and providing them with tuition to get trained in the trades (carpentry, electricity, masonry, etc). USE THIS SIMPLE FORM BELOW TO DONATE WITHRead More
Dear Sister Faith is Singing with the Angels in Heaven
Faith Ogutu was born 42 years ago in western Kenya. She was a widow of almost 7 years without a husband as he left her with 6 children. The majority of her life she struggled valiantly with bad health and great struggles as she has been on and off theRead More
The Gathering of the Saints in Kibera & Siaya Kenya
January 24th, 2022: Siaya brethren are praising Lord with you…yesterday, fellowship was good. I thank God for a blessed fellowship with dear brethren here in Siaya, Kenya. Below is a video of the fellowship worshipping the Lord Jesus. February 9th, 2022: Praise Jesus dear brother. Sunday fellowship in Kibera SlumRead More
Land Purchased & a Life Garden is Started in Siaya
By God’s provision we have successfully completed the purchase of 1/2 acre of fertile land in Siaya, Kenya this month to start a life garden. The brethren are already starting to prepare the land and it will also support chickens and goats. Brother Joseph updates below: REJOICING FOR THE BLESSINGRead More
Kibera Slum and Siaya Kenya 2021 Mission Recap
Much has been accomplished in some of the most impoverished placed on earth. The Kibera Slum (Nairobi) and Siaya (Western) Kenya received incredible blessings because of the obedience of a few. MISSION FIELD REPORT ( SIAYA AND KIBERA) 2021: We thank God for huge provisions. It was a year ofRead More
Kibera Slum Nairobi Kenya Faith in Action
The work of the Lord is good and today we were blessed with a new member, a child dedication and a joyful moment as we glorified God for His blessings. Very strong brethren in the word of God. We’ve also been doing much door to door evangelism for Jesus. FellowshipsRead More
Jesus Blesses the Siaya Brethren with a DOE
The Siaya brethren are overjoyed with their first Doe. What a precious blessing from Jesus. We thank the few who help us make these blessings happen, you are in our prayers. PLEASE CONSIDER HELPING THE SIAYA BRETHREN BELOW SPONSOR A CHILD HERE VISIT GLOBAL MISSION FOR CHILDREN
Bro William Preaches at the Kibera Slum Fellowship
As dear brother William, our Northern (Moyale) Kenya and Southern Ethiopia overseer tends to dear Abdud, who has been in a Northern Kenya Hospital for over 3 years with Spinal TB (POTTS Disease) and now at the Kenyatta Hospital in Nairobi, he is fellowshipping with the Kibera Slum Fellowship whichRead More
Brethren Receive the Word of God in Their Native Luo Language
We had to special order these Bibles in the Luo language which we did about 3 months ago. They came in last week and we praise Jesus for these incredible blessings. Please join us in reaching more souls with the Truth. 100% of all donations go directly the the 3rdRead More
True Faith is Working Faith
Sadly, the cast majority of people who profess Jesus as their “Lord and Saviour” truly have no idea who He is and are not filled with the Holy Spirit. This of course leads to eternal punishment and is why we are so passionate day and night spreading the Truth. NotRead More