The Fellowship of the Brethren in the Kibera Slum
The lockdown has decimated the 3rd World but by the grace of God and the obedience of the few saints walking Holy for Jesus, we are able to help the brethren with necessities. Of course the need is so great and much more is needed for sure. Many are still without homes from flooding in May. Brother Joseph updates below.
Praise Jesus dear brethren, I’m now in Siaya western Kenya and I thank God I traveled safely. I am now shopping for materials for the Goat pen. We are praying for the finances to get the goats very soon as the need is so great. Last Sunday we were blessed with a good fellowship in the Kibera Slum (Nairobi), the message was ” No turning back “. Thanks dear brethren. Peace be with you and praying for you all. Amen.
– Bro Joseph Otieno (Kibera/Siaya Overseer)
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