The Grace of God is Preached & Lived Out in the Kibera Slum Kenya
UPDATE 9/9/2018: Sunday was so great day in the Kibera Slum, (Nairobi) as the weather was so lovely. I thank God for His work for all creatures. Fellowship was good and attendance was so great, I thank God for those who came. It was a funny day as almost all men were absent, but by the grace of God he brought some for fellowship. Fellowship was blessed as we praised, worshiped, taught and preached. From kids to adults, we thank God for the day. Teaching was from the book of Ezra 4:13-21 and Rev 5:1-5 (The book of record of the Fathers. ) Childrens fellowship was good ministered by brother Enos. Many of our men didn’t manage to attend the service, one of them being brother Clement, who took his elder brother to hospital who was so sick. We prayed for all brethren and all our sponsors and supporters overseas who make all this possible. The need is great but we thank Jesus for what HE provides. God bless WFF/GMFC. Thank you faithful saints. Brother Joseph Otieno (Overseer)
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