The Physical Rain in the Kibera Slum does not Outdo the Spiritual REIGN of Jesus

Update 4-15-2018:  I introduced the book “DID JESUS CORRECT MOSES ?” and we look forward to this study to edify the brethren. We also thank God for the Bibles and solar light.  Update 4-22-2018: We had had here weak internet as it’s raining with a lot of flooding but I’m sureRead More

Orphans Fed Physically & Spiritually in the Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

UPDATE 4-14-2018: A good Saturday for me to be with GMFC children. Many are orphans so I have to take Extra Care. I thank God for this beautiful day, glory to Jesus. -Pastor Joseph Otieno [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”Y7pvMsasNHg” ] UPDATE 4-15-2018: Amen brethren, much regards to you from Kibera slum,Read More

The Widows and Others in Impoverished Siaya Kenya Experience the Love of Jesus

Glory to Jesus brother, I thank God for a blessed journey to Siaya , I’m back in Kibera. In spite of heavy rain in the village, we managed our fellowship, glory to Jesus. Fellowship was good brother, many widows are inquiring to join us. It’s the first true project inRead More

The Impoverished Kibera Slum is RICH in JESUS!

Hello Brethren- This muddy Sunday in the Kibera Slum Fellowship we preached from the book of Genesis 3:7, Hebrews 4:13 & Jeremiah 16:17-18 (all things are naked and opened unto Jesus). In the children’s service before they join us also for the adult service, we praised Jesus, taught from the storyRead More

Jesus is Magnified in the Kibera Slum Kenya

March 25 update from brother Joseph. Video updates below. Amen brethren, a good Sunday morning with a light shower in the peaceful Kibera slums. All the brethren are well and abiding in the word. Glory to Jesus service was good…. Topic of the day was,,,, unspeakable gift. 2 Corinthians 9 :15Read More

wff gmfc siaya sega kenya christians sponsorship widow children

The Widows of Western Kenya Experience True Working Faith

As people in America and the rest of the developed world “worry” about what food from all the choices they have in their fridge or simply choosing what restaurant to go to, the rest of the world starves and lives in great poverty as 30,000 people (21,000 children under 5)Read More

Christians in Kibera Slum Kenya Sponsor a Child

The Kibera Slum Experiences the Love of Jesus

Below are video updates from our Kibera Slum fellowship in Nairobi, Kenya. One of the most impoverished places on earth, Jesus is being glorified. We teach the children and the adults about the Lord and work out our faith with fear & trembling while serving the orphan and widow. [yotuwpRead More

WFF GMFC Update Kenya Christian Child Widow Sponsorship 3

Tribes (Luo) Hear & Experience the Gospel in Siaya Kenya

Brother Joseph updates us below: Praise Jesus brethren, I’m well back in Kibera from my journey to Siaya (Western) Kenya to visit our mission field. I thank God for safe journey, all are well. Much greetings and prayers to you from Siaya, glory to Jesus. It was a good journey travellingRead More

Kibera Slum working faith fellowship nairobi

Jesus Moves in the Impoverished Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

Our mission and fellowship in the Kibera Slum (Nairobi, Kenya) is edifying many with the love of Christ. The local fellowship is such a blessing to these impoverished souls as children learn from the bible and adults are strengthened in the Word. We provide some food and nutritious moringa teaRead More

Hard Work & Reverence for Jesus inn the Kibera Slum of Kenya

Hard Work & Reverence for Jesus in the Kibera Slum of Kenya

The brethren completed the church floor this Saturday, praise God. Unlike the developed world, all this cement had to be carried to the church by hand, up the stairs, the spread out and watered. thank GOD for the children as they were a great help. We had service and aRead More

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