Kibera Slum Moringa Working Faith Fellowship Poverty Kenya

Superfood Moringa Arrives in the Kibera Slum

62 pounds of MORINGA arrives at our Kibera Slum ministry. The incredible SUPERFOOD is one of the greatest blessings where we serve as it provides all the vitamins, minerals and amino acids one needs to survive. In an impoverished slum like Kibera, this is truly priceless. You may get someRead More

global mission for children sponsor a christian child Kibera Kenya

GMFC Launches a New Church in Kibera Slum Kenya

Global mission for children is blessed to announce the opening of Working Faith Fellowship. A church in the impoverished Kibera Slum of Nairobi, Kenya. Just like the developed world, Kenya is full of false churches preaching a powerless gospel that does not convict or save. There are many “prosperity” andRead More

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