Joseph Preaching The Narrow Way in the Kibera Slum Fellowship Kenya Banner

Preaching the Narrow Way to Heaven in the Kibera Slum

The “99%+” false churches all over the world preach a godless “gospel” that does not save. They preach a wide, worldly road to eternal destruction as the Holy Bible clearly warns us in 2nd Peter Chapter 2, the book of Jude and elsewhere in the Word of God. Brother Joseph and the saints on the ground we have discipled preach the unadulterated Truth without reservation or sugar coating. Are you “hated by all for His name sake” (Matthew 10:22) or are you loved by the world and an abomination to a holy God (James 4:4) highly esteemed by men (Luke 16:15) as the vast majority of lukewarm (Revelation 3:16) “believers” are?

Below brother Joseph teaches on Matthew 7:14 “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

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