Covid 19 Relief Market GMFC WFF Kibera Slum Nairobi Kenya May 11th 2020

The Blessings of a Few Benefit Many in the Kibera Slum

A blessed video update from brother Joseph Otieno. An indigenous missionary in the front lines of Kenya. The SARS Corona Virus is decimating the 3rd World. Please watch the video and pray to help these precious souls. SPONSOR A CHILD SPONSOR A WIDOW

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A Fast Track to Self-Sufficiency in the Kibera Slum

I am blessed to announce the efforts of a few are really paying off as we now have chickens at our Kibera fellowship. Brotehr Joseph states: Praise God dear brethren, my chicken has expanded. I bought one hen and now I have eggs and chicken meat also, praise Jesus. ThanksRead More


The Kibera Slum Brethren Receive Corona Virus Relief

We are blessed to announce that the COVID-19 relief we are providing in the most impoverished places on earth is received with incredibly humble and appreciative hearts. The shutdown is absolutely crushing the 3rd World where 90%+ of their daily wage (around $1-$3 per day) is used for food. Now,Read More

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Millions Will Perish of Coronavirus in Africa if we Don’t Help

Words cannot describe the devastation a worldwide shutdown has had in the 3rd world where people eat with daily wages of $1, $2 or $3 dollars per day… This money for the basic necessities has been taken away due to the virus hysteria…. Bro Jospeh updates from the Kibera Slum:Read More

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A Few Saints Provide for the Impoverished in Kibera Slum

BROTHER JOSEPH UPDATES 3:29.2020: “Sunday fellowship was a “James 1:27” service and my message was “STAY UNSPOTTED ON THE NARROW PATH”. All churches were closed due to coronavirus but I thank God because of a few obedient dear brethren from thousands of miles away we were OPEN for the brethrenRead More


Coronavirus is no Match for Godly Evangelists

UPDATE 3/21/2020: Amen dear brethren, this week is the best week for the real men of God due to the unnecessary fear of Corona virus. I passed great messages to people in the open air. Social places are empty and I’m preaching mostly to empty chairs. The market is desertedRead More

Health Comes to the Kibera Slum

UPDATE 3-15-2020: The Kibera brethren are well. No cases of corona virus but we’re strong on our knees praying. Kibera slum is so risky place. Sunday was so blessed as we fellowshipped together. The children learned much too. We also took our dose of natural medicines and we are soRead More

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Another Orphan Receives Abundant Blessings

A few months back I shared with you about an orphan boy in our fellowship who did great in primary school (1-8) but was not able to join high school because of lack of financial resources. By the Grace of God and a few obedient brethren, we are now ableRead More

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God’s Children in the Kibera Slum

We have dozens of children waiting for a sponsor in the Kibera Slum. 100% goes directly to the impoverished. Please help today by either giving one-time immediately below with just an email and card number or click the “Sponsor a Child Today” link below to become a monthly sponsor toRead More

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Physical & Spiritual Healing in the Kibera Slum

Imagine you, yes you can be part of something so very special. For just $3 per month per person, you can provide neem oil and moringa powder to one child (or adult). This gives them their complete daily nutritional needs in a slum where there is no nutrition. Their stapleRead More

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