Siaya Kenya GMFC WFF April 2019 Updatecollage

James 1:27 Lived Out in Siaya Kenya

A short Vlog update below from our Sega Siaya (Western Kenya) & Kibera Slum Mission Fields. Donate one-time or click “give monthly” to make it a monthly recurring donation. Thank you.

GMFC WFF Kibera Slum World Vision Compassion Intternational Sponsor a child

Children’s Wisdom & 2 Babies Dedicated to Jesus

Blessed Sunday, welcoming our new member in the fellowship. It was a child dedication and we thanked God for blessings. Last month, God blessed us with two infants being born in the fellowship, all glory to Jesus. Kibera slums is so good, brethren are well, gospel is moving everywhere. ThanksRead More

Kibera Slum Update Kenya 3-17-2019

Fires & Poverty Don’t Phase the Brethren in Kibera Kenya

Horrible fires ravaged the Kibera Slum in recent weeks but the brethren are marching on for Jesus with their hearts focused on the next world. Enjoy the video update below and if you can, help us bless these brethren.

Kibera SLum Kenya 2-22-2019 donate Children widows world vision

Kibera Slum Fellowship Update

A quick vlog update from our Kibera Slum church. Will you consider helping us share the love of Jesus to these precious souls in one of the most impoverished places on earth? Consider Sponsoring a Child

Kibera SLum Kenya donate Children widows world vision

A Huge Prayer for the Kibera Slum Fellowship

UPDATE 2-21-2019: DONATIONS DOUBLED UP TO $1,000. We are bering very judicious as to not take on any major projects as we have lost over 65% of our donors as so many hate the real Jesus. With that said, we recently raised money for a dear elder in our KiberaRead More

Vlog Kibera Slum Nairobi Kenya Kenyatta Market

The First Vlog Update for the Kibera Slum Fellowship

We are changing the way we do updates a bit from text to video. Enjoy our 1st Vlog update. [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”C7fPWF_1THY” player=”cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=3″]

Collage brother John Omondi house burns down Kibera Slum

A Call for Help After a Fire in the Kibera Slum

UPDATE  2.3.2019 KIBERA SLUM FELLOWSHIP: This morning was so sad for us as one of our elders, brother John Omondi, lost every single one of his belongings with the exception of the clothes on he and his family’s backs. There was a strange Fire in the Kibera slum that started in hisRead More

Widow New Dresses Siaya Kenya Sega Kibera Collage

A One of a Kind Blessing in Siaya Kenya From 10,000 Miles Away

[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”-pgQsvOKIuI” player=”cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=3″] Hello brethren, I am back in Nairobi, glory to Jesus. It was a relatively safe Godly journey in the presence of God with lovely fellowship with brethren from far county Moi’s Bridge. God bless them, I was blessed to be with them as were the SiayaRead More

WFF Kibera Receives Blessings of Dresses & Head Coverings

Imagine never being able to buy a new piece of clothing, ever. Well, these precious sisters just received, hand-made with love, Christian dresses and head coverings. New clothing they have never  received in their lifetimes as they live in one of the most impoverished places on earth, the Kibera Slum ofRead More

WFF GMFC Kibera SLum Update Collage

Sending HIS Love 8,500 Miles Away

Praise the Almighty God. Thanks all our brethren at  GMFC/WFF local and overseas. God bless all our friends and supporters. Glory to His Mighty name for a blessed Sunday fellowship. Services were so good. Children were taught by brother Enos and I reviewed with them their studies. You will seeRead More

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