The First Vlog Update for the Kibera Slum Fellowship
We are changing the way we do updates a bit from text to video. Enjoy our 1st Vlog update. [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”C7fPWF_1THY” player=”cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=3″]
A Call for Help After a Fire in the Kibera Slum
UPDATE 2.3.2019 KIBERA SLUM FELLOWSHIP: This morning was so sad for us as one of our elders, brother John Omondi, lost every single one of his belongings with the exception of the clothes on he and his family’s backs. There was a strange Fire in the Kibera slum that started in hisRead More
A One of a Kind Blessing in Siaya Kenya From 10,000 Miles Away
[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”-pgQsvOKIuI” player=”cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=3″] Hello brethren, I am back in Nairobi, glory to Jesus. It was a relatively safe Godly journey in the presence of God with lovely fellowship with brethren from far county Moi’s Bridge. God bless them, I was blessed to be with them as were the SiayaRead More
WFF Kibera Receives Blessings of Dresses & Head Coverings
Imagine never being able to buy a new piece of clothing, ever. Well, these precious sisters just received, hand-made with love, Christian dresses and head coverings. New clothing they have never received in their lifetimes as they live in one of the most impoverished places on earth, the Kibera Slum ofRead More
Sending HIS Love 8,500 Miles Away
Praise the Almighty God. Thanks all our brethren at GMFC/WFF local and overseas. God bless all our friends and supporters. Glory to His Mighty name for a blessed Sunday fellowship. Services were so good. Children were taught by brother Enos and I reviewed with them their studies. You will seeRead More
Brother Enos Leads the Kibera Slum Children in Worshipping Jesus
Praise Jesus the Lord for a blessed, rainy, Sunday morning and a beautiful sunny afternoon. All glory to Jesus. Kibera slum is peaceful and all brethren are well. Our fellowship is so healthy only by the Grace of God. Sunday fellowship service was so blessed from children to adults andRead More
Blessed are the Poor in the Kibera Slum
UPDATE 11-18-2018 KIBERA SLUM: “A good God given Sunday as we saw the presence of His Kingdom here in Kibera. The message of the day was “Those who know their God”. Small kids were taught with words & pictures by brother Enos. I taught the older youth and we have aRead More
Training up the Next Generation of Godly Warriors
To Jesus be all Glory. I thank our Lord for the brethren He’s connected me with. We’re so together for Christ and marching forward. Sunday fellowship was so powerful from kids to adults. Yesterday, we divided our youth from smaller children and we’re going to start teaching them separately forRead More
Worship in the Kibera Slum
KIBERA SLUM, KENYA UPDATE 11-4-2018: All glory to Lord Jesus. I thank God for allowing us to stand before Him in prayers. Sunday fellowship was full of prayers and thanking God for standing with us and our mission. We dedicated all our prayers to all our mission partners and allRead More
The Heavy Hand on the Wicked Preached in the Kibera Slum
Glory to the highest King of Kings. A very blessed Sunday full of God’s presence. I thank God for both fellowships, children and adults. They were so lovely raising Jesus’ name in the biggest slum of Nairobi, Kibera. Adults service was on “The heavy hand of God on the wicked”Read More