Jesus is Worshipped in the Kibera Slum Kenya
UPDATE OCTOBER 14TH, 2018 KIBERA SLUM KENYA: “Praise the Lord brethren. Once again, we say thank you all and God bless you. We greatly appreciate your prayers and support. All the glory goes to Jesus. I thank God for a blessed Sunday as the fellowship was full of God’s spirit. ChildrensRead More
Repairing & Providing 3 Huts for 3 Women & Their Children – Kibera Slum Kenya
An update from our brethren on the progress on repairing huts 3 women and children will call home. An incredible blessing! Bro Joseph reports: “We thank the Lord brethren. We’ve been renewing the huts for our three sisters and their children. We’ve changed the roof with new iron sheets andRead More
The Humble Saints of the Kibera Slum
UPDATE SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2018 (KIBERA SLUM & SIAYA KENYA) Praise Jesus brethren. Sunday was so blessed and the Kibera fellowship was full of the Holy Spirit. We’ve seen the presence of Lord in Kibera fellowship. I thank God because of the brethren He gave me to shepherd. They are so humbleRead More
The Love of the Brethren Shines in the Kibera Slum
Praise Lord brethren,a great day again for us in the Kibera Slum. God is good and we love what He’s doing in our life, glory to Jesus. I thank all of our supporters and all who are praying for us, may God bless you in Jesus name. Great Lord’s dayRead More
Clean Water & Living Water in the Kibera Slum Kenya
We worship and praise Lord for awesome Sunday fellowship, I thank God for blessings in our fellowship Kibera slum, church brethren are so thankful to our dear sponsors and partners, prayer to you all, God bless you. Sunday fellowship was so strong. Children’s teaching was “Jesus and Lazarus” by BrRead More
The Grace of God is Preached & Lived Out in the Kibera Slum Kenya
UPDATE 9/9/2018: Sunday was so great day in the Kibera Slum, (Nairobi) as the weather was so lovely. I thank God for His work for all creatures. Fellowship was good and attendance was so great, I thank God for those who came. It was a funny day as almost allRead More
The Kibera Slum Brethren are Filled with the JOY of JESUS
Nairobi has been cold for 3 days now. No sun to be seen but I thank God it’s been a blessing to have a good, Holy Spirit filled Lord’s Day fellowship. First service for children and 2nd for adults. I thank God for brother Peter who has helped us soRead More
17,400 Gospel Tracts Arrive in Kenya and More on the Way
AUGUST 26TH, 2018 UPDATE: 17,400 forty-eight page gospel tracts have been distributed to our 3 Kenyan mission fields (Kibera, Moi’s Bridge & Moyale) in English and Swahili. An additional 7,500 are on the way in Luo & Borana languages, Praise Jesus! This is our 2nd shipment in the last 12 months and we areRead More
Fellowship, Worship & Lifting up Jesus in the Open-Air in Siaya Kenya
Amen brethren and big glory to the Lord Jesus. I’m back in the Kibera Slum and I thank God brethren for working prayer and what our dear supporters are doing as we minister together even though we are thousands of mile away. God bless you. I traveled to Siaya VillageRead More
The Blessings Reach the Brethren in Their Time of Need
UPDATE 8-12-2018: Praise Jesus brethren, the blessings and unbelievable generosity of the precious brethren had many tongues tied this fellowship! What a big help we’re doing in Kibera, even the government can’t do it. We passed out the financial blessings that were sent to us to ease the burden of the many brethrenRead More