lorine funeral kibera slum AfriPads Kenya

A Dear Young Sister Laid to Rest and Needs Fulfilled

Praise Jesus dear brethren, thanks for prayers and support, the Kibera fellowship was so blessed as we prayed for each other in this time of temporary loss. It’s so sad to us, as a fellowship when we received bad news of the death of one of our younger girls whomRead More

GMFC Kibera Slum Banner WFF Jesus Christian Donate

Thankfulness in Kibera Kenya

Praise Jesus dear brethren, fellowship was so good and the Kibera brethren are so happy. We’re so blessed and we thanked God because of the few over there, a far distance away who give from their heart. May God bless you all. We thank those who are with us throughRead More

Kibera Slum Homes Demolished Kenya

Brethren’s Homes Demolished in Kibera Kenya

I received a grievous update that the Government of Kenya, along with the Kenyan Railway Corp, demolished with bulldozers and backhoes countless homes in the Kibera slum without warning. Dear brethren in our fellowship have lost their homes and livelihood as businesses were demolished, schools, etc. Videos of the heartacheRead More

Siaya Kenya Rift Valley Goats Jesus Banner Fellowship Kenya

God’s Blessing of Goats and Worship in Siaya & Kibera Kenya

Brother Joseph traveled to Siaya last week to visit the brethren and the new goats we secured last month. They are going great and the brethren are thanking Jesus. Her is an update from Joseph: Amen dear brethren. I’m back in Kibera from visiting Siaya (Western) Kenya where our otherRead More

Joseph Preaching The Narrow Way in the Kibera Slum Fellowship Kenya Banner

Preaching the Narrow Way to Heaven in the Kibera Slum

The “99%+” false churches all over the world preach a godless “gospel” that does not save. They preach a wide, worldly road to eternal destruction as the Holy Bible clearly warns us in 2nd Peter Chapter 2, the book of Jude and elsewhere in the Word of God. Brother JosephRead More

Brother Joseph Preaching in Siaya During Corona Lockdown banner collage

Siaya Kenya Widows Receive Spiritual & Physical Food & Milk Goats!

Brother Joseph spent a couple weeks at the Siaya, Kenya fellowship and built the goat pen as well as blessed the widows and others with food and other necessities. We pray the 4 goats provide much needed nutritious milk for the brethren. SPONSOR A WIDOW BELOW You can filter usingRead More

Joseph Brother Burial collage Goats Siaya Kenya Jesus

Pastor George is Walking on Gold Streets & GOATS for SIAYA

As bro Joseph was finally able to travel from the Kibera Slum, where he lives, to Siaya, where he grew up and where we have a fellowship (after 4 months of COVID lockdown), he found his younger (biological and spiritual) brother sick. Just a couple days later, bro George wasRead More

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The Fellowship of the Brethren in the Kibera Slum

The lockdown has decimated the 3rd World but by the grace of God and the obedience of the few saints walking Holy for Jesus, we are able to help the brethren with necessities. Of course the need is so great and much more is needed for sure. Many are stillRead More

joseph otienop kibera slim sisters kenya

The Dear Sisters of the Kibera Slum Kenya

Praise Jesus dear brethren. We are so thankful, praying for our few partners who help these precious souls with the necessities of life. May God bless you. Fellowship was good today as we thanked God for the good opportunity He gave us to raise His name. Kibera brethren are wellRead More

GMFC WFF Kibera Slum Preaching Jesus Christian Mission Kenya Banner

The Proclamation of the Gospel & Teaching Continues in Nairobi Kenya

The dear brethren in the Kibera Slum continue to do the world of Jesus. Brother Joseph updates: We’re going underground brethren studying door to door and open air, but it’s good the message is going everywhere…. I do get time with children teaching them also….. It’s not easy gathering peopleRead More

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