Practical Reasons Africans and Others in the 3rd World are Stuck in Poverty

Ignorant people say to us “why do you send all your money to ‘them over there’ when we have poor in this country”? “Why don’t these people work hard to take care of themselves”? Answer below: CLICK LINKS BELOW Find all our mission fields here Bible commands on serving theRead More

Kibera Slum & Siaya Kenya July 23rd – Sept 3rd 2024 Updates

Complete Video Update of the Hard Working Souls that Labour for Jesus Day & Night

May 15th – July 22nd 2024 Global Mission For Children – Working Faith Fellowship Updates


Kenya – Ethiopia – Uganda – Tanzania – India & Bangladesh April – May14th 2024 Update

February & March 2024 ALL Mission Field Updates in Picture & Video

A great insight to what we are doing day and night on the fertile 3rd World mission fields, for Jesus. Pictures and videos sent to us during March & April 2024. Click the gridview as highlighted below to see thumbnails first. Western Kenya & Uganda & Tanzania February & MarchRead More

Kibera Slum (Nairobi)

Overseer of Kibera Slum (Nairobi) & Siaya Kenya Discusses Our Mission Together

Listen to Joseph tell us a small percentage of what we have accomplished together since partnering together in 2017. CLICK HERE TO HELP BRO JOSEPH REACH MORE SOULS

The Brethren in Action Treating a Horrible Jigger Outbreak

Simply: click here for all the Endebees, Kenya photos and videos and click here for the Kibera Slum & Siaya, Kenya photos and videos directly from the mission fields in the last 30 days.December 7th, 2023 we were asked for help to eradicate Jiggers we found eating the feet, hands,Read More

2023 Update Working Faith Fellowship Kibera Slum & Siaya Kenya – Global Mission for Children

Fishing for Souls & Farming for Life in Siaya & Kibera Kenya

Global Mission 4 Children Chat Transcript Raw Mission Update Siaya & Kibera Slum September 2023

A Must Watch 82 Seconds About What We Do

Siaya Kibera Slum Jesus Christian Update

Ministering Jesus in the Kibera Slum & Siaya Kenya

The WFF mission for Jesus continues in the Kibera Slum and Siaya Kenya. Below is a video update on both mission fields. Below you will find the latest updates for our other mission fields in Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, India and Bangladesh. All future updates will be posted at these linksRead More

dump slum kolkata poverty donate

Does Your Son or Daughter or Sibling Live in a Dump?

These people are not lazy… They did not get themselves in this situation (living in a dump) like so many (not all) on the streets of the 1st World do. To absolutely no fault of their own, these precious souls were viciously lied to and have ended up living inRead More

Kibera Slum Nairobi Kenya Siaya Working Faith Fellowship Brethren 2-2023 Banner

The Least on Earth Shall be the Greatest in Heaven

Few will enter Heaven Jesus clearly teaches, and He also says the least on earth (of course speaking of true, obedient, humble Christians “walking as he walked” 1st John 2:6) shall be the greatest in Heaven (Matthew 18:4). The dear brethren in our Kibera Slum and Siaya (Western) Kenya missionRead More

Feeding the Poor Spiritually & Physically

We continue to see many blessings as we serve the poor in the Kibera Slum and Siaya Kenya. Please view the video update below and see what we have been doing the last 6 weeks. Please click here as prices for food have doubled in the last year and manyRead More

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Jesus is Glorified in Kenya

Brother William traveled in July to bring a precious child to Cure Hospital in Nairobi to get an emergency brain surgery so he spent some time at the Kibera Fellowship. Below in video we also update on the micro-finance program as we put more people to work as well asRead More

Kibera Update Siaya May 10th - June 10th 2022 Banner

May 10th – June 10th 2022 Kibera Slum (Nairobi) & Siaya (Western) Kenya Mission Updates


Forgotten No More in the Kibera Slum & Siaya (Western) Kenya

A look into the chat’s we have on a daily basis with our indigenous missionaries of Kibera Slum & Siaya (Western) Kenya We are also supporting youth and providing them with tuition to get trained in the trades (carpentry, electricity, masonry, etc). USE THIS SIMPLE FORM BELOW TO DONATE WITHRead More

Sister Faith Funeral Banner Siaya Kenya

Dear Sister Faith is Singing with the Angels in Heaven

Faith Ogutu was born 42 years ago in western Kenya. She was a widow of almost 7 years without a husband as he left her with 6 children. The majority of her life she struggled valiantly with bad health and great struggles as she has been on and off theRead More

Kibera Slum Siaya Kenya Update Working faith fellowship Church

The Gathering of the Saints in Kibera & Siaya Kenya

January 24th, 2022: Siaya brethren are praising Lord with you…yesterday, fellowship was good. I thank God for a blessed fellowship with dear brethren here in Siaya, Kenya. Below is a video of the fellowship worshipping the Lord Jesus. February 9th, 2022: Praise Jesus dear brother. Sunday fellowship in Kibera SlumRead More

Land Purchased & a Life Garden is Started in Siaya

By God’s provision we have successfully completed the purchase of 1/2 acre of fertile land in Siaya, Kenya this month to start a life garden. The brethren are already starting to prepare the land and it will also support chickens and goats. Brother Joseph updates below: REJOICING FOR THE BLESSINGRead More

WFF Kibera Slum Nairobi Kenya Picture Computer banner

Kibera Slum and Siaya Kenya 2021 Mission Recap

Much has been accomplished in some of the most impoverished placed on earth. The Kibera Slum (Nairobi) and Siaya (Western) Kenya received incredible blessings because of the obedience of a few. MISSION FIELD REPORT ( SIAYA AND KIBERA) 2021: We thank God for huge provisions. It was a year ofRead More

Kibera Slum for Jesus

Kibera Slum Nairobi Kenya Faith in Action

The work of the Lord is good and today we were blessed with a new member, a child dedication and a joyful moment as we glorified God for His blessings. Very strong brethren in the word of God. We’ve also been doing much door to door evangelism for Jesus. FellowshipsRead More

Baby Doe Girl God Jesus Blessed us With Siaya Kenya 8-28-2021 sIAYA bRETHREN

Jesus Blesses the Siaya Brethren with a DOE

The Siaya brethren are overjoyed with their first Doe. What a precious blessing from Jesus. We thank the few who help us make these blessings happen, you are in our prayers. PLEASE CONSIDER HELPING THE SIAYA BRETHREN BELOW SPONSOR A CHILD HERE VISIT GLOBAL MISSION FOR CHILDREN

William Preaching WFF Kibera Slum Kenya Banner

Bro William Preaches at the Kibera Slum Fellowship

As dear brother William, our Northern (Moyale) Kenya and Southern Ethiopia overseer tends to dear Abdud, who has been in a Northern Kenya Hospital for over 3 years with Spinal TB (POTTS Disease) and now at the Kenyatta Hospital in Nairobi, he is fellowshipping with the Kibera Slum Fellowship whichRead More

Brethren Receive The Word of God in Their Native Luo Language Banner - Kibera Slum Kenya

Brethren Receive the Word of God in Their Native Luo Language

We had to special order these Bibles in the Luo language which we did about 3 months ago. They came in last week and we praise Jesus for these incredible blessings. Please join us in reaching more souls with the Truth. 100% of all donations go directly the the 3rdRead More

Working faith 2 Widows Homes Siaya Kenya 5-2021

True Faith is Working Faith

Sadly, the cast majority of people who profess Jesus as their “Lord and Saviour” truly have no idea who He is and are not filled with the Holy Spirit. This of course leads to eternal punishment and is why we are so passionate day and night spreading the Truth. NotRead More

2 Impoverished Widows in Kenya need help poor Jesus Christian

Help These Sick & Impoverished Widows Today

Take just 5 minutes to watch these impoverished widows and help them in Jesus name. First you will meet Christine Obonyo. A 78 year old widow and staying with her are orphaned grandchildren staying in a structure where the roof is leaking all over. They can’t sleep when it’s rainingRead More

Widows in Kenya Grandmother taking care of orphans banner

A GrandMOTHER 2 Many Orphans in Kenya

March 15, 2021, 10:22 AM: We had a blessed fellowship with the Kibera brethren.We, including the orphans in Kenya, thank you so much dear brother and the few GMFC partners who are praying for and supporting us. May God bless you so much. Please pray for my mother, she isRead More

Kibera Slum Siaya Kenya February March 2021 Banner Update

Blessed are the Children & The Lease of These

March 2nd, 2021: Hello dear brethren, I’m suppose to return this week to Kibera Slum. I’ll meet the Siaya brethren again on my return. I’ve been preparing the garden to plant some of goat feed. We’re waiting on the long rains to start within this third month. Brethren are goodRead More

Sister Angelina Akono Banner Widow Siaya

Angelina Akongo Walks on Gold Streets


digging a well and building widows homes in kenya banner

A Water Well Dug & Widows Homes Built in Kenya

Jan 23, 2021 Hello dear brethren. After we received the generous donation for the digging of a much needed water well, we immediately hired the diggers and they have started. Jan 28, 2021 We are at 45′ depth and no water yet. The digging continues. I have also arraigned forRead More

dear brother caleb cancer kenya funeral blood Jesus Heaven

Brother Caleb Passes to Heaven

We rejoice as one of the “Few” is in Heaven, however, he leaves a wife and children and we need your help. Please view the video below. Donate either one time immediately below or become a monthly sponsor of his family at the bottom of this page.

Kibera Mission Update Jesus Banner Kenya Donate Christian

Nutritious Moringa, 2 Widows Homes and a Water Well

We have been praying all of 2020 to fulfill a few of the most urgent needs on the mission fields in the 3rd Word. Donations were at an all time low since we founded in 2012, but, we had a huge blessing in December that is allowing us to fundRead More

Children worship Jesus Kibera Kenya Banner Slum

Children Worship Jesus & an Elder with Blood Cancer

A blessed fellowship this Lord’s Day at the Kibera Slum fellowship as children worship Jesus. Also, we just received news that a dear brother, Caleb, who is an elder and so dedicated to the Lord has blood cancer. He has had terrible stomach pains the last many months and hadRead More

Siaya Banner Jesus World Vision widows Sponsor a Child Kenya

Bread of Life Reigns in Siaya Kenya – John 6:35

Even through the suffering and pain, Jesus, the Bread of Life is glorified on the mission fields in the most impoverished places on earth. As we close out a very tumultuous 2020 with unnecessary covid lockdowns, which are decimating the 3rd World as most are day labourers that can’t provideRead More

Siaya Goats Banner Jesus World Vision Agricultural Sponsor a Child Kenya

Goats are Thriving on the Siaya Kenya Mission Field

I traveled safely dear brother. The Siaya brethren are obedient to the Lord Jesus. They are overjoyed and blessed because of you and a few over there. God bless you all…. thanks. I’m very busy attending to goats and one already been served to get pregnant. I dewormed and sprayedRead More

lorine funeral kibera slum AfriPads Kenya

A Dear Young Sister Laid to Rest and Needs Fulfilled

Praise Jesus dear brethren, thanks for prayers and support, the Kibera fellowship was so blessed as we prayed for each other in this time of temporary loss. It’s so sad to us, as a fellowship when we received bad news of the death of one of our younger girls whomRead More

GMFC Kibera Slum Banner WFF Jesus Christian Donate

Thankfulness in Kibera Kenya

Praise Jesus dear brethren, fellowship was so good and the Kibera brethren are so happy. We’re so blessed and we thanked God because of the few over there, a far distance away who give from their heart. May God bless you all. We thank those who are with us throughRead More

Kibera Slum Homes Demolished Kenya

Brethren’s Homes Demolished in Kibera Kenya

I received a grievous update that the Government of Kenya, along with the Kenyan Railway Corp, demolished with bulldozers and backhoes countless homes in the Kibera slum without warning. Dear brethren in our fellowship have lost their homes and livelihood as businesses were demolished, schools, etc. Videos of the heartacheRead More

Siaya Kenya Rift Valley Goats Jesus Banner Fellowship Kenya

God’s Blessing of Goats and Worship in Siaya & Kibera Kenya

Brother Joseph traveled to Siaya last week to visit the brethren and the new goats we secured last month. They are going great and the brethren are thanking Jesus. Her is an update from Joseph: Amen dear brethren. I’m back in Kibera from visiting Siaya (Western) Kenya where our otherRead More

Joseph Preaching The Narrow Way in the Kibera Slum Fellowship Kenya Banner

Preaching the Narrow Way to Heaven in the Kibera Slum

The “99%+” false churches all over the world preach a godless “gospel” that does not save. They preach a wide, worldly road to eternal destruction as the Holy Bible clearly warns us in 2nd Peter Chapter 2, the book of Jude and elsewhere in the Word of God. Brother JosephRead More

Brother Joseph Preaching in Siaya During Corona Lockdown banner collage

Siaya Kenya Widows Receive Spiritual & Physical Food & Milk Goats!

Brother Joseph spent a couple weeks at the Siaya, Kenya fellowship and built the goat pen as well as blessed the widows and others with food and other necessities. We pray the 4 goats provide much needed nutritious milk for the brethren. SPONSOR A WIDOW BELOW You can filter usingRead More

Joseph Brother Burial collage Goats Siaya Kenya Jesus

Pastor George is Walking on Gold Streets & GOATS for SIAYA

As bro Joseph was finally able to travel from the Kibera Slum, where he lives, to Siaya, where he grew up and where we have a fellowship (after 4 months of COVID lockdown), he found his younger (biological and spiritual) brother sick. Just a couple days later, bro George wasRead More

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The Fellowship of the Brethren in the Kibera Slum

The lockdown has decimated the 3rd World but by the grace of God and the obedience of the few saints walking Holy for Jesus, we are able to help the brethren with necessities. Of course the need is so great and much more is needed for sure. Many are stillRead More

joseph otienop kibera slim sisters kenya

The Dear Sisters of the Kibera Slum Kenya

Praise Jesus dear brethren. We are so thankful, praying for our few partners who help these precious souls with the necessities of life. May God bless you. Fellowship was good today as we thanked God for the good opportunity He gave us to raise His name. Kibera brethren are wellRead More

GMFC WFF Kibera Slum Preaching Jesus Christian Mission Kenya Banner

The Proclamation of the Gospel & Teaching Continues in Nairobi Kenya

The dear brethren in the Kibera Slum continue to do the world of Jesus. Brother Joseph updates: We’re going underground brethren studying door to door and open air, but it’s good the message is going everywhere…. I do get time with children teaching them also….. It’s not easy gathering peopleRead More

Covid 19 Relief Market GMFC WFF Kibera Slum Nairobi Kenya May 11th 2020

The Blessings of a Few Benefit Many in the Kibera Slum

A blessed video update from brother Joseph Otieno. An indigenous missionary in the front lines of Kenya. The SARS Corona Virus is decimating the 3rd World. Please watch the video and pray to help these precious souls. SPONSOR A CHILD SPONSOR A WIDOW

Chickens Kibera Slum Kenya banner

A Fast Track to Self-Sufficiency in the Kibera Slum

I am blessed to announce the efforts of a few are really paying off as we now have chickens at our Kibera fellowship. Brotehr Joseph states: Praise God dear brethren, my chicken has expanded. I bought one hen and now I have eggs and chicken meat also, praise Jesus. ThanksRead More


The Kibera Slum Brethren Receive Corona Virus Relief

We are blessed to announce that the COVID-19 relief we are providing in the most impoverished places on earth is received with incredibly humble and appreciative hearts. The shutdown is absolutely crushing the 3rd World where 90%+ of their daily wage (around $1-$3 per day) is used for food. Now,Read More

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Millions Will Perish of Coronavirus in Africa if we Don’t Help

Words cannot describe the devastation a worldwide shutdown has had in the 3rd world where people eat with daily wages of $1, $2 or $3 dollars per day… This money for the basic necessities has been taken away due to the virus hysteria…. Bro Jospeh updates from the Kibera Slum:Read More

Collage Banner Kibera Slum Love Jesus Christian

A Few Saints Provide for the Impoverished in Kibera Slum

BROTHER JOSEPH UPDATES 3:29.2020: “Sunday fellowship was a “James 1:27” service and my message was “STAY UNSPOTTED ON THE NARROW PATH”. All churches were closed due to coronavirus but I thank God because of a few obedient dear brethren from thousands of miles away we were OPEN for the brethrenRead More


Coronavirus is no Match for Godly Evangelists

UPDATE 3/21/2020: Amen dear brethren, this week is the best week for the real men of God due to the unnecessary fear of Corona virus. I passed great messages to people in the open air. Social places are empty and I’m preaching mostly to empty chairs. The market is desertedRead More

Health Comes to the Kibera Slum

UPDATE 3-15-2020: The Kibera brethren are well. No cases of corona virus but we’re strong on our knees praying. Kibera slum is so risky place. Sunday was so blessed as we fellowshipped together. The children learned much too. We also took our dose of natural medicines and we are soRead More

orphan child kibera slum kenya shoes school uniform banner

Another Orphan Receives Abundant Blessings

A few months back I shared with you about an orphan boy in our fellowship who did great in primary school (1-8) but was not able to join high school because of lack of financial resources. By the Grace of God and a few obedient brethren, we are now ableRead More

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God’s Children in the Kibera Slum

We have dozens of children waiting for a sponsor in the Kibera Slum. 100% goes directly to the impoverished. Please help today by either giving one-time immediately below with just an email and card number or click the “Sponsor a Child Today” link below to become a monthly sponsor toRead More

Kibera Slum GMFC WFF Children & Joseph banner Christian

Physical & Spiritual Healing in the Kibera Slum

Imagine you, yes you can be part of something so very special. For just $3 per month per person, you can provide neem oil and moringa powder to one child (or adult). This gives them their complete daily nutritional needs in a slum where there is no nutrition. Their stapleRead More

Kibera Slum GMFC WFF Banner

Jesus’ Love in the Kibera Slum

Hello, I have some church updates. All Church members are well and pressing on here in Kibera. Some are suffering from malaria but all will be good soon as we launch the GMFC / WFF medical program this week! We’re teaching the true, Biblical doctrine and I’m confident we shallRead More

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The Light of Jesus Shines in Kibera Kenya

We are so thankful that the Kibera fellowship is good. In spite of the many testimonies of fever, malaria and difficulty in obtaining daily bread because of prolonged rain (many brethren here are hand to mouth workers and when it’s raining much they can not get any work and businessRead More

The Children of WFF / GMFC – Kibera Slum Nairobi Kenya


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Another Fire in the Kibera Slum

KIBERA SLUM UPDATE 9-15-2019: All glory to Jesus, the day is over and fellowship was so good. We prayed for all mission and sponsors and thanked God for all. Last night we fought a terrible fire that left many homeless near our Church here. We’re sorry as one of ourRead More

WFF GMFC Kibera Slum Demolition Kenya Homes Houses

There is LIFE in the Kibera Slum Kenya

KIBERA SLUM KENYA UPDATE MAY 5th, 2019: Bro Joseph Updates: Sunday service was perfect brethren. After a sad downfall of rain that killed and destroyed many huts in Kibera and also killed a few people, the teaching was from the book of 2nd Kings 7:3-10 for adults fellowship and childrenRead More

Siaya Kenya GMFC WFF April 2019 Updatecollage

James 1:27 Lived Out in Siaya Kenya

A short Vlog update below from our Sega Siaya (Western Kenya) & Kibera Slum Mission Fields. Donate one-time or click “give monthly” to make it a monthly recurring donation. Thank you.

GMFC WFF Kibera Slum World Vision Compassion Intternational Sponsor a child

Children’s Wisdom & 2 Babies Dedicated to Jesus

Blessed Sunday, welcoming our new member in the fellowship. It was a child dedication and we thanked God for blessings. Last month, God blessed us with two infants being born in the fellowship, all glory to Jesus. Kibera slums is so good, brethren are well, gospel is moving everywhere. ThanksRead More

Kibera Slum Update Kenya 3-17-2019

Fires & Poverty Don’t Phase the Brethren in Kibera Kenya

Horrible fires ravaged the Kibera Slum in recent weeks but the brethren are marching on for Jesus with their hearts focused on the next world. Enjoy the video update below and if you can, help us bless these brethren.

Kibera SLum Kenya 2-22-2019 donate Children widows world vision

Kibera Slum Fellowship Update

A quick vlog update from our Kibera Slum church. Will you consider helping us share the love of Jesus to these precious souls in one of the most impoverished places on earth? Consider Sponsoring a Child

Kibera SLum Kenya donate Children widows world vision

A Huge Prayer for the Kibera Slum Fellowship

UPDATE 2-21-2019: DONATIONS DOUBLED UP TO $1,000. We are bering very judicious as to not take on any major projects as we have lost over 65% of our donors as so many hate the real Jesus. With that said, we recently raised money for a dear elder in our KiberaRead More

Vlog Kibera Slum Nairobi Kenya Kenyatta Market

The First Vlog Update for the Kibera Slum Fellowship

We are changing the way we do updates a bit from text to video. Enjoy our 1st Vlog update. [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”C7fPWF_1THY” player=”cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=3″]

Collage brother John Omondi house burns down Kibera Slum

A Call for Help After a Fire in the Kibera Slum

UPDATE  2.3.2019 KIBERA SLUM FELLOWSHIP: This morning was so sad for us as one of our elders, brother John Omondi, lost every single one of his belongings with the exception of the clothes on he and his family’s backs. There was a strange Fire in the Kibera slum that started in hisRead More

Widow New Dresses Siaya Kenya Sega Kibera Collage

A One of a Kind Blessing in Siaya Kenya From 10,000 Miles Away

[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”-pgQsvOKIuI” player=”cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=3″] Hello brethren, I am back in Nairobi, glory to Jesus. It was a relatively safe Godly journey in the presence of God with lovely fellowship with brethren from far county Moi’s Bridge. God bless them, I was blessed to be with them as were the SiayaRead More

WFF Kibera Receives Blessings of Dresses & Head Coverings

Imagine never being able to buy a new piece of clothing, ever. Well, these precious sisters just received, hand-made with love, Christian dresses and head coverings. New clothing they have never  received in their lifetimes as they live in one of the most impoverished places on earth, the Kibera Slum ofRead More

WFF GMFC Kibera SLum Update Collage

Sending HIS Love 8,500 Miles Away

Praise the Almighty God. Thanks all our brethren at  GMFC/WFF local and overseas. God bless all our friends and supporters. Glory to His Mighty name for a blessed Sunday fellowship. Services were so good. Children were taught by brother Enos and I reviewed with them their studies. You will seeRead More

Kibera Slum Kenya Sponsor a child kenya world vision compassion Collage

Brother Enos Leads the Kibera Slum Children in Worshipping Jesus

Praise Jesus the Lord for a blessed, rainy, Sunday morning and a beautiful sunny afternoon. All glory to Jesus. Kibera slum is peaceful and all brethren are well. Our fellowship is so healthy only by the Grace of God. Sunday fellowship service was so blessed from children to adults andRead More

The professing "Amerikan Christian" has no clue what it is to follow in Jesus' steps as commanded (1st John 2:6). Luke 6:20 "And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God."

Blessed are the Poor in the Kibera Slum

UPDATE 11-18-2018 KIBERA SLUM: “A good God given Sunday as we saw the presence of His Kingdom here in Kibera. The message of the day was “Those who know their God”. Small kids were taught with words & pictures by brother Enos. I taught the older youth and we have aRead More

Training up the Next Generation of Godly Warriors

To Jesus be all Glory. I thank our Lord for the brethren He’s connected me with. We’re so together for Christ and marching forward. Sunday fellowship was so powerful from kids to adults. Yesterday, we divided our youth from smaller children and we’re going to start teaching them separately forRead More


Worship in the Kibera Slum

KIBERA SLUM, KENYA UPDATE 11-4-2018: All glory to Lord Jesus. I thank God for allowing us to stand before Him in prayers. Sunday fellowship was full of prayers and thanking God for standing with us and our mission. We dedicated all our prayers to all our mission partners and allRead More

GMFC WFF Kibera Slum World Vision International Compassion Hungry

The Heavy Hand on the Wicked Preached in the Kibera Slum

Glory to the highest King of Kings. A very blessed Sunday full of God’s presence. I thank God for both fellowships, children and adults. They were so lovely raising Jesus’ name in the biggest slum of Nairobi, Kibera. Adults service was on “The heavy hand of God on the wicked”Read More

kibera slum kenya

Jesus is Worshipped in the Kibera Slum Kenya

UPDATE OCTOBER 14TH, 2018 KIBERA SLUM KENYA: “Praise the Lord brethren. Once again, we say thank you all and God bless you. We greatly appreciate your prayers and support. All the glory goes to Jesus. I thank God for a blessed Sunday as the fellowship was full of God’s spirit. ChildrensRead More

3 huts kibera slum banner update

Repairing & Providing 3 Huts for 3 Women & Their Children – Kibera Slum Kenya

An update from our brethren on the progress on repairing huts 3 women and children will call home. An incredible blessing! Bro Joseph  reports: “We thank the Lord brethren. We’ve been renewing the huts for our  three sisters and their children. We’ve changed the roof with new iron sheets andRead More

GMFC - WFF Kibera Slum Fellowship

The Humble Saints of the Kibera Slum

UPDATE SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2018 (KIBERA SLUM & SIAYA KENYA) Praise Jesus brethren. Sunday was so blessed and the Kibera fellowship was full of the Holy Spirit. We’ve seen the presence of Lord in Kibera fellowship. I thank God because of the brethren He gave me to shepherd. They are so humbleRead More

Christian kibera working faith fellowship World Vision Compassion INternational sponsor child

The Love of the Brethren Shines in the Kibera Slum

Praise Lord brethren,a great day again for us in the Kibera Slum. God is good and we love what He’s doing in our life, glory to Jesus. I thank all of our supporters and all who are praying for us, may God bless you in Jesus name. Great Lord’s dayRead More

Christian kibera working faith fellowship World Vision Compassion INternational

Clean Water & Living Water in the Kibera Slum Kenya

We worship and praise Lord for awesome Sunday fellowship, I thank God for blessings in our fellowship Kibera slum, church brethren are so thankful to our dear sponsors and partners, prayer to you all, God bless you. Sunday fellowship was so strong. Children’s teaching was “Jesus and Lazarus” by BrRead More

Christian kibera working faith fellowship

The Grace of God is Preached & Lived Out in the Kibera Slum Kenya

UPDATE 9/9/2018: Sunday was so great day in the Kibera Slum, (Nairobi) as the weather was so lovely. I thank God for His work for all creatures. Fellowship was good and attendance was so great, I thank God for those who came. It was a funny day as almost allRead More

Kibera Slum Mission Update 9-2-2018

The Kibera Slum Brethren are Filled with the JOY of JESUS

Nairobi has been cold for 3 days now. No sun to be seen but I thank God it’s been a blessing to have a good, Holy Spirit filled Lord’s Day fellowship. First service for children and 2nd for adults. I thank God for brother Peter who has helped us soRead More

clement tract joseph kibera

17,400 Gospel Tracts Arrive in Kenya and More on the Way

AUGUST 26TH, 2018 UPDATE: 17,400 forty-eight page gospel tracts have been distributed to our 3 Kenyan mission fields (Kibera, Moi’s Bridge & Moyale) in English and Swahili. An additional 7,500 are on the way in Luo & Borana languages, Praise Jesus! This is our 2nd shipment in the last 12 months and we areRead More

siaya update poverty poor world vision compassion international food 2018

Fellowship, Worship & Lifting up Jesus in the Open-Air in Siaya Kenya

Amen brethren and big glory to the Lord Jesus. I’m back in the Kibera Slum and I thank God brethren for working prayer and what our dear supporters are doing as we minister together even though we are thousands of mile away. God bless you. I traveled to Siaya VillageRead More

kibera slum kenya homes destroyed 2018

The Blessings Reach the Brethren in Their Time of Need

UPDATE 8-12-2018: Praise Jesus brethren, the blessings and unbelievable generosity of the precious brethren had many tongues tied this fellowship! What a big help we’re doing in Kibera, even the government can’t do it. We passed out the financial blessings that were sent to us to ease the burden of the many brethrenRead More

Kibera Slum Jesus Sponsor a Child Christian World Vision Compassion International

The Joy of Jesus Shines in the Brethren of the Kibera Slum Even After Thousands of Homes Demolished

Praise Jesus brethren , I thank God for a good Sunday. The fellowship was good and full of Joy as all the brethren were happy and so thankful for the blessings coming to Kibera. Thanks to the supporters of GMFC / WFF and all our partners (Living Faith, brother Mark,Read More

Kibera Slum Sisters & Brother Homeless GMFC July 24th 2018

The Kibera Slum Fellowship Praises Jesus for the Love from the Brethren

We are so very happy to announce we hit our goal to help the 4 families (2 widows, 1 single mother and 1 elder with a wife and 6 children). The love shown by a few faithful brethren will surely be rewarded in Heaven. Below is the weekly update fromRead More

kibera slum kenya christian Jesus government demolishes homes destroys nairobi

Brethren’s Homes Crushed in the Kibera Slum

URGENT UPDATE 7-25-2018: Our indigenous mission leader in the Kibera Slum, brother Joseph Otieno, brings us this update: Thanks so much for all the prayers brethren. The destruction of thousand of homes is now over. Many thousands are affected and no space in Kibera to resettle people and they can’tRead More

kibera slum kenya donate world vision compassion international

Testimony and Edification in the Kibera Slum

A very good Sunday morning fellowship in the Kibera Slum at Working Faith fellowship. Although Nairobi is cold & some of us are sick, our faith is so big & our God is able to heal us. Glory to Jesus! Topic today was in book Luke 10:30 Commit the wayRead More

kibera slum kenya christian Jesus World Vision Sponsor a child compassion international

“Dwelling in the House of The Lord” – Kibera Slum Fellowship Update

Good Sunday morning in Nairobi Kibera slum. We started fellowship at 9:00am East Africa time. First service for kids was an enjoyable study with quiz cards, singing for Jesus and teaching on true Christian love from brother Peter. Adult fellowship was so awesome too. Teaching in the book of Psalms 84Read More

kibera slum kenya christian Jesus World Vision Sponsor a child compassion international

His Light Shines in the Darkness of the Kibera Slum in Kenya

Thank God for a wonderful day we had yesterday, glory to Jesus brethren. It was very cold in Nairobi but our souls are so active in Jesus name. Fellowship was good and we thank God for the blessings in the Kibera slum and all our mission partners. Preaching was fromRead More

water filter well widow thanks siaya sega kenya world vision compassion international donate children sponsorship sponsor

A Water Well, Filters & Taking Care of “The Least of These” in Siaya Kenya

Praise Lord, I’m back in Kibera Slum Nairobi today. Kibera is so peaceful and brethren are doing good, glory to Jesus. I thank God for safe Trip to Siaya (Western) Kenya and on behalf of the entire Siaya widows and brethren, we appreciate all the WFF/GMFC team and donors. GodRead More

Open-Air Preaching at the Otiende Market in Kibera Slum Kenya 1

The “Bereans” of the Kibera Slum

Praise Jesus brethren, it’s so wonderful as God’s glory is in the Kibera slum. We’re so blessed and children are very happy being fed by the Word and also human needs too. We’re so thankful to our supporters and all glory to Jesus Christ. Sunday service was good. Very coldRead More

Kibera Slum Kenya Christians Love Jesus Donate Poverty Humanitarian Help

Making Disciples in the Kibera Slum- Nairobi Kenya

Praise the Lord We had a good Sunday meeting. It was full of Jesus and a great blessing to the church, from children to adults. Brother Jackson taught the little children with picture charts of biblical characters as they learned about those who walked with God. I then spoke theRead More

Remembering a Dear Sister – Granny Francis

Granny Francis served and obeyed Jesus ’til the end. Watch the entire video to see this dear sister work out her faith with fear & trembling.  Php 2:12-13 “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your ownRead More

True Worship in a 10’x10′ Mud Hut in the Kibera Slum

The developed world has no idea of the judgment coming upon them as they live their “best life now” feeding their flesh as they profess to be “Christians”. Look at the true worship and proclaiming of Jesus below in one of the most impoverished places on earth, the Kibera SlumRead More

Open-Air Preaching & More in the Kibera Slum

4/30/2018 UPDATE: A good Sunday mourning in Kibera slum, service was good & muddy with a lot of rain. It’s not easy for most to go out. In Kibera slum, many people are hand to mouth workers, some are hawkers selling vegetables, second hand clothes & selling ready made foods inRead More

The Physical Rain in the Kibera Slum does not Outdo the Spiritual REIGN of Jesus

Update 4-15-2018:  I introduced the book “DID JESUS CORRECT MOSES ?” and we look forward to this study to edify the brethren. We also thank God for the Bibles and solar light.  Update 4-22-2018: We had had here weak internet as it’s raining with a lot of flooding but I’m sureRead More

Orphans Fed Physically & Spiritually in the Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

UPDATE 4-14-2018: A good Saturday for me to be with GMFC children. Many are orphans so I have to take Extra Care. I thank God for this beautiful day, glory to Jesus. -Pastor Joseph Otieno [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”Y7pvMsasNHg” ] UPDATE 4-15-2018: Amen brethren, much regards to you from Kibera slum,Read More

The Widows and Others in Impoverished Siaya Kenya Experience the Love of Jesus

Glory to Jesus brother, I thank God for a blessed journey to Siaya , I’m back in Kibera. In spite of heavy rain in the village, we managed our fellowship, glory to Jesus. Fellowship was good brother, many widows are inquiring to join us. It’s the first true project inRead More

The Impoverished Kibera Slum is RICH in JESUS!

Hello Brethren- This muddy Sunday in the Kibera Slum Fellowship we preached from the book of Genesis 3:7, Hebrews 4:13 & Jeremiah 16:17-18 (all things are naked and opened unto Jesus). In the children’s service before they join us also for the adult service, we praised Jesus, taught from the storyRead More

Jesus is Magnified in the Kibera Slum Kenya

March 25 update from brother Joseph. Video updates below. Amen brethren, a good Sunday morning with a light shower in the peaceful Kibera slums. All the brethren are well and abiding in the word. Glory to Jesus service was good…. Topic of the day was,,,, unspeakable gift. 2 Corinthians 9 :15Read More

wff gmfc siaya sega kenya christians sponsorship widow children

The Widows of Western Kenya Experience True Working Faith

As people in America and the rest of the developed world “worry” about what food from all the choices they have in their fridge or simply choosing what restaurant to go to, the rest of the world starves and lives in great poverty as 30,000 people (21,000 children under 5)Read More

Christians in Kibera Slum Kenya Sponsor a Child

The Kibera Slum Experiences the Love of Jesus

Below are video updates from our Kibera Slum fellowship in Nairobi, Kenya. One of the most impoverished places on earth, Jesus is being glorified. We teach the children and the adults about the Lord and work out our faith with fear & trembling while serving the orphan and widow. [yotuwpRead More

WFF GMFC Update Kenya Christian Child Widow Sponsorship 3

Tribes (Luo) Hear & Experience the Gospel in Siaya Kenya

Brother Joseph updates us below: Praise Jesus brethren, I’m well back in Kibera from my journey to Siaya (Western) Kenya to visit our mission field. I thank God for safe journey, all are well. Much greetings and prayers to you from Siaya, glory to Jesus. It was a good journey travellingRead More

Kibera Slum working faith fellowship nairobi

Jesus Moves in the Impoverished Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

Our mission and fellowship in the Kibera Slum (Nairobi, Kenya) is edifying many with the love of Christ. The local fellowship is such a blessing to these impoverished souls as children learn from the bible and adults are strengthened in the Word. We provide some food and nutritious moringa teaRead More

Hard Work & Reverence for Jesus inn the Kibera Slum of Kenya

Hard Work & Reverence for Jesus in the Kibera Slum of Kenya

The brethren completed the church floor this Saturday, praise God. Unlike the developed world, all this cement had to be carried to the church by hand, up the stairs, the spread out and watered. thank GOD for the children as they were a great help. We had service and aRead More

brothers william & joseph kibera slum church christian

Physical & Spiritual Bread in the Kibera SLum

Brother William traveled to meet the brother Joseph and the Kibera Slum fellowship.  The minute he arrived, they hit the ground running and evangelized in the Kenyatta Market, at the Kenyatta Hospital and in the Kibera Slum, one of the most impoverished places on earth. Brother Joseph and the team resideRead More

Evangelist William Wario Travels to WFF Kibera Slum

Brother William traveled to the GMFC / WFF Kibera mission field on Wednesday arriving Thursday from Moyale, Kenya. A long travel for sure! He, his host, brohter Joseph Otieno and the team have been preaching in the Kenyatta Market to thousands and visiting the Kenyatta Hospital was also on the scheduleRead More

Kibera Slum Moringa Working Faith Fellowship Poverty Kenya

Superfood Moringa Arrives in the Kibera Slum

62 pounds of MORINGA arrives at our Kibera Slum ministry. The incredible SUPERFOOD is one of the greatest blessings where we serve as it provides all the vitamins, minerals and amino acids one needs to survive. In an impoverished slum like Kibera, this is truly priceless. You may get someRead More

global mission for children sponsor a christian child Kibera Kenya

GMFC Launches a New Church in Kibera Slum Kenya

Global mission for children is blessed to announce the opening of Working Faith Fellowship. A church in the impoverished Kibera Slum of Nairobi, Kenya. Just like the developed world, Kenya is full of false churches preaching a powerless gospel that does not convict or save. There are many “prosperity” andRead More

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